A digital strategist and experienced management consultant with expertise leading teams of creative problem solvers.

9 Month Update

Posted: September 7th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Updates | Tags: | No Comments »

A lot happens in three months. Especially when you are busy.  It certainly has been busy too.

The Palliser Estate website went live in mid-July. The result speaks volumes for the quality of the team (hi Lorin, Greg, and Josie) but also of the trust and faith Palliser had in us. Nice to know it’s a finalist for this year’s Best Awards.

National Bank’s refreshed internet banking went live in early August. I tell you, it’s a whole different thing changing a site that you personally use  (along with 600,000 other people).

Even though I was well familiar with the new design before it went live (how could I not? I created screenshots and specified the changes for almost every one of the 80 odd different pages) – my first reaction was still one of delight. I think it was something like: “Hey that’s my money. Hey that looks nice too.” Other customers seem to really like it as well.

It was sad saying goodbye to the National Bank project team but other opportunities were awaiting. Good luck Matt, Chris, et al…

This brings me to the next bit of news. I’m still working with the guys at Flightless, but I’ll be putting in my other 20 hours a week in with Springload. I’ve known the owners, Bron and Carl since my early Kiwibank days and I have a lots of respect for what they do. If everything goes to plan both companies will benefit. I’ll keep you posted on how it turns out. In the meantime, there’s a lot of information architecture in my future.

A final shout out goes to Tracey and Clare at Beyond: thanks heaps for the ANZ/National contract.

6 monthly update

Posted: June 5th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Updates | Tags: | No Comments »

Time sure flies when you are busy. It’s been six months since I left the secure world of Kiwibank. Working with GrowlyPaw at the beginning of the year was good fun and welcome use of the grey matter. The time with Flightless has been fantastic. The clients, NZEI and Palliser are great to work with and participating in the launch of Top Dog – Farmyard Adventures, a Flightless iphone application, has been superb.

To keep bread on the table and not let my BA skills get rusty, in March I grabbed 20 hours a week with ANZ helping to sort out National Banks internet banking changes. I’ll keep you posted when it all goes live – but it certainly keeps me busy and good thing the people I work with are lovely.

I’m still loving having so many projects, clients, and locations to swap through – it’s good for the mental agility. The down side is I haven’t managed to make much progress on my own iphone application.